The Escondido RFC Newsletter
"Gurkha Gab"
June 2000
- On June 3rd, 2000, the Escondido Gurkha Rugby Football Club held their annual after season banquet. It was a classic event, I am proud to say there were no incidents of frontal, back, or side nudity (well, no reported incidents, anyway). I think that we should applaud the brave couple who opened their home to the rugby club for this festive occasion. Thank you Joe and Pam Clarke and everyone who helped set-up, clean-up, and decorate for this event. Hats off to Ronnie and Ben Willis for doing an outstanding job cooking the pig and turkey. For those of you who didn't know, these guys were up at 5:00 am on the day of the banquet preparing Wilbur (from Charlotte's Web) for roasting!
- There has been a changing of the Guard:
President: Joe Clarke (only because we used his home for the banquet)
Vice President: John Gibb (Brought palm leaves to roast the pig)
Secretary: Tony "BlackAdder" Lazare (Coffee, Tea, or me)
Treasurer: Alan Miles (Pay now!)
- Give a huge round of applause to yourselves for a job well done. The club ended it's season with a 6-4 record (Go Gurkhas). This is also the time to thank the wives, girlfriends, and kids for having to do without husbands, boyfriends, or dad on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and the occasional Sunday. Thank you very much for your support.
- We would like to mention that the club had some excellent players who received awards at the banquet.
Most Valuable Forward: Matt Gardner
Most Valuable Back: John Gibb
Most Improved Player: Alvino Martinez
Rookie of the Year: Darin Meyers
A round of applause to those ruggers!
Upcoming Events:
- June 17th Wojo and Anita's wedding (Good going, you two)
- June 25th Rugby Club Champagne Brunch on the Hornblower. (Cruise San Diego Bay with the one you love) Call and make your reservations. To make reservations call (619) 686-8715 and let them know that you are with the rugby party. If you have an Entertainment Card, you'll get a discount for the fee. The Lord Hornblower will board at 10:30 am on June 25th and depart at 11:00 am. The pricing is as follows: $18.50 per person ($37 per couple) with Entertainment Card (limit 2 per card), or $35.50 per person without the card. If you do not have an Entertainment Card you should have bought a book when we were selling them!
- Golf Tournament - November/December time frame. The tournament will be spearheaded by Philip Archuleta, Eric Olsen, and Martin Morozowsky. If you are interested in playing in the tournament, let one of these guys know. We are going to need some volunteers to help with things like tournament set-up. It would save time for everyone if you would just fall on the sword and volunteer. If not, you will have duties thrust upon you that you may not care for. Spread the word about this event, the more the merrier!
- The next incarnation of the Yard Sale will be in the fall. Now is the time to look around and gather up the stuff you will honestly not use or wear again and donate it to the cause. The proceeds go toward future club events and equipment.
- The Park City Tournament will be held the weekend of September 30th. Talk to Ray about some of the travel options he's heard about.
- Gurkha 10's Tournament coming to a rugby pitch near you! I am bringing this up now because I am going to need club members to start looking into sponsors for this event. This will give us more time to take care of business.
- The club is looking into possibly holding a dart tournament and a pub crawl. More information to come.
- Phil Martinez (a.k.a Blood Brother #2, a.k.a Spill) is in New Zealand playing rugby and doing an excellent job (when he keeps his mouth shut) from what I understand. Lena is on her way there as well to spend a few weeks with Spill and take in some of the sights. Bon Voyage!
- Two of the RB High School kids are on their way to New Zealand to take in the sights and get in on rugby matches. They are Byron and Jake (last names withheld due to them being minors). Good Luck Boys!!
- Philip Archuleta (a.k.a Archie) is the team's chiropractor. His office is on Grand Ave. and Rancho Santa Fe. First visit free and $10 after that.
- Ken Grody Ford in Car Country Carlsbad is willing to help out members of the rugby club or your friends who are looking for a new or used vehicle. Coupons will be handed out later. $50 will go to the rugby club (I hope the new treasurer is good at adding up money). When you get there, ask for Dave Levine, he's a member of the club for those of you who haven't yet met him. Both Ford and GMC vehicles are available.
Gurkha Garb (Clothing Line)
- Polo Shirts w/ Gurkha patch on left breast.
- Caps with Gurkha patch.
- We are also looking into making a calendar titled: The Boys of Gurkha Rugby 2001. These will make good gag gifts. Again, I am looking for full team participation. It will be good humorous fun, so don't be shy to show some skin. This goes for our big-bellied players as well. I would like to see this happen.
Last but not least:
- MIAs: Andrew Blamey, David Crotty, Mike Duran, Paul Green, Tim Kieliszewski, Blaise Jackson, Jeff Penick, Clay Orey and Leonard Vargas. We are wondering if you guys don't like us anymore.
- Sightings: George Mills, Miguel Perez, Miguel Goodpasture, Karl Grant, Stephen (Weka) Kirkland.
- Alvino Martinez has been appointed the duties of tour manager. He will be collecting the money for the tour to the Bahamas. A deposit of $100 will get your name on the list. If you are bringing a significant other, that will be a $200 deposit fee. The trip will be between $700-$900 per person.
- I am going to need e-mail addresses for everyone. If you don't have e-mail, I will need your current home address. This way, if you become MIA for whatever reason, you will receive the newsletter and be updated with what is going on with the club.
- If anyone has any word that they want to be passed in the newsletter, call BlackAdder (a.k.a The Bowling Ball) at (760)724-3436.
- Welcome back Fisher (a.k.a Fish). John, now you will have someone else to share scrumhalf duties with.